It's not possible to review all these pages for a long while, and it will require the assistance of a lot of people, but to do some quick clarification for those who are in the habit of studying art, music or theater on Sunday. Why so much Klee? The prominent place of Klee, Van Gogh and others we owe to a college student, one of the original contributors to our content, though, she wished to remain anonymous. This woman was studying the correllation between art and psychology and worked briefly at a local asylum to help ease the econommic burden on her own relative who was in and out of treatment on a constant basis, jeopardizing his own degree at Cornell. Art history teaches a wealth of knowledge on the subject, for example, Kandinsky the friend and colleague of Klee had plunged into art partly because his uncle, a well known psychiatrist, had committed suicide himself.

Again someone may ask, why so much Pasolini? We acknowedge that Pasolini is not perhaps a good choice for an introduction to anything, and we are going to move him to a secondary position in the "canon" so to speak, in the interest of peace and well-being. And yet in light of the Ferrara Pio movie, we offer this. It is not yet widely discussed in cinema classes, but Pasolini's father also suffered from mental disability. After returning from a military campaign in Africa he endured periods of acute derangement. During one of these acute episodes, Paoslini, who was his mother's only refuge (the younger brother having been killed in a partisan skirmish) took his mother to Rome abruptly and secretly, with almost no money because he was afraid for their safety. Here again, we see someone grappling with the problems of poverty and mental health through expressive art. Perhaps then it makes sense that Abel Ferrara did both the Pasolini and the Padre Pio movies and that Shia Leboeuf plays Pio.