The Cherry Moon nominee trust was originally established by I.V.E. priest Father Benito Lagos of San Rafael, Argentina, as a favor to someone he had met in Lowell, Massachusetts while taking a large group of high school students on a confirmation retreat at a Franciscan friary on River Road.
( The retreat center has since been sold to a developer while the priest has died).
It was established on Holy Saturday,the night of the Cherry Moon, 1998, Year of the Holy Spirit.
Las islas canarias son islas volcanicas en Espanya.
La iglesia de Saint Killian's en New Bedford, Massachusetts, Estados Unidos, cerro' en septiembre de 2015, pero el Padre Benito dejo New Bedford mucho antes y se traslado en Tenerife, a La Basilica de Nuestra Senyora de la Candelaria. Tenerife es una de las islas mas pobladas del archipelago.
Las canarias son mas conocidas hoy en dia, porque en 2021, el volcan de La Palma se desperto de una manera bastante violenta y lanzo fuego en la tierra por un tiempo prolungado.

The Uriel Lampoon, temporary HQ

Dear Jesus, please bless this page. Plese help us to be holy. Poetry by Milk Dud.
B, Buenos Aires, Benito y Buela, it was in Argentina, and not Venezuela (that's bad, lol)
B for Volcan and Basilica too, a story that's tragic, but nonetheless, true.
Tragedy, though, must give way to high glory, which as a matter of fact is the point of the story.
If poetry bores you and you like the lampoon, we invite you to check out our satires in June.
HEREOR HEREGente que conosce la historia de la valanga tambien saben lo que paso en el autumno de 2010, the so called "Guadalupe Fiasco", however, the show must go on. It should be noted that Lupe Fiasco didn't like the vulgarity and misogyny of hip hop, but liked other things about it...sometimes these details get lost in translation so to speak.