eucatastrophe syllabus
Here's the source of Eucatastrophe,in case there was some lack of clarity.

Here's the syllabus:
- August 26, 2024: Read "On Fairy Stories"
PLEASE NOTE: In universities, it is often challenging to have an in-depth discussion in a large group or a lecture hall, so small group discussions are formed to explore issues after class. Similarly ,online classes should keep their groups small. If the class has 200 people there should be at least around 16 small groups. If each person is taking the class alone that would be 200 small groups formed of whoever is around. Make sense? The Jesus crowd was huge but his small group was 12.
- August 27, 2024, Hold a group discussion and take/make a quiz on fairy stories according to the essay. If you prefer to take a quiz already made, you can find it in the materials :)
- August 28, why is Tolkien dissatisfied with what he might call the "Filtered" fairy story? Discuss in small groups (according to Wellesley rules that's 12 people give or take.) What would Augustine say about Fairies in relation to his essay "De Mendacio"? Continue with Quizzies and May Yeshua Bless Thee from Zion, whether it's censored or not.
- August 29 here is your quiz if you wish to use one that's already here.without going into too much detail (maybe we already are) the idea in your small groups is to get some way to understand where faerie fits on the continuum of human experience, and whether one might be interested in studying this question for four months and contrasting it with Frankfurtian BS theory, especially since it's an election year.
- AUGUST 30, Friday, it is suggested to consider that Tolkien wanted a mythology to "unfilter" the message of Jesus, which perhaps comes off as a bit heady, but think about a way in which faerie could be inserted into the discourse of Saint Paul in Corinthians today, or "you know not the day nor the hour" from today's gospel. Here's your quizzy