This is the Musical Message of Mercy that we hope to propose in LISTEN TO THIS: ENGELBLAU"S EXISTENTIAL ECONOMICS.
Before you say "opera is high art, we cna't afford it" what if we put all the heroin money into healthy,non violent self expression through music?
They are not going to kill Tsarnaev just yet, maybe they will have the courage to say Talk to me, so you can see what's going on.
of course, what makes it difficult is that because of Tsarnaev, there are people walking around on metal legs.
However, the same is true of the US government sending drones to Tsarnaev's country and maiming and crippling people in the same fashion.
THis is the problem with vendetta.
This is why V is always for VALANGA not for VENDETTA.
We must never practice vendetta, and if we talk to Tsarnaev and force ourselves to listen to him, even if he points an accusatory finger, if we really listen maybe we will beat the drones into tractors once and for all.

If you want to swear in for the United Garden Nations Security Council this weekend and be part of the "fruit crew" which you already are anyway even if you dont realize it, we don't have the protocol in place but you are a self sovereign, so just swear in in front of witnesses who will report you for marring the garden.
This is atually a developing concept, see Jus cogens enviromental law.
We will add protocol as we study the International law.
L is for Listen to the News.
Every weekend we will try to find a little good news to imitate the volcanic voice of the big bang, and the angel of Sunday morning.
This is not simply a spiritual but absolutely an economic necessity.
If we hear and mentally metabolize reality the wrong way, we will become violent and destructive which is very expensive.
Some will always pay the price for this, whether by being martyrs or cyrenians. which is V flipped over on its side a bit.
The magma is the love of God inside the volcano and the Lava is when it comes out.
The lava one could say is God's life, made manifest in the act of creation.
The best way to understand this is to experience it.
Phidippedes just grabbed a torch and went for it but he couldnt pace himself due to exigencies, and he died.
The blessed mother of the visitation carried the news to her family first...on a donkey, most likely, or walking.
We have the torch of technology to launch the lava far and wide with lightning speed, but more than ever, we need to prepare.
Aaron Swartz perhaps failed to prepare himself psychologically and socially for the backlash of precarious power structures that is sure to result.
Today is the Pardon of Assisi which is the best news of all for those who believe, that we all get to go to heaven no matter what, if we want to .


Every human heart is like a volcano, full of darkness and mystery and heat and potential light and unbelievable energy.
When the volcano erupts, as happens when something prompts the heart to express itself, the mysteries are revealed.
This could be called "the histoire de coeur".

the human heart is unbelieveably beautiful and its potential for joy and delight, and goodness, is as yet unknown.
The opposite is also often the case.The histoire de coeur often involves unjust economics, or the mistreatment of some and the exploitation of the human heart and life, in order that others may make money or be better off financially.
It also may involve the destructoin of the human heart through rage or vengeance, as when an unhappy person vents his unhappiness on other hearts and squelches innate joy.
this is a sad consequence of human existence.

Heart of Darkness is a novel by Polish Author Joseph Conrad about atrocities occuring in an African diamond mine that was written long before "blood diamond."
The brilliance of jewels are found deep within the earth, buried under tons of rock and stone, having taken ages to achieve their brilliance and beauty which is revealed through great labor.
But perhaps the lesson of Heart of darkness is that this labor should be undertaken with calmness and gentleness rather than by force or exploitation or domination and greed.
The darkness in the businessman's heart made him unable to appreciate the beauty of the buried treasure and thought only of greed and domination.
Heart of darkness is also a movie about the Making of Apocalypse Now, and reveals some dark secrets about Coppolla including that his high pressure style caused actor Charlie Sheen to have a heart attack.
Again, the movie is a labor of love, and if the subject matter or the expense is causing too much angst, that should move the participants to a greater reverence for the HISTOIRE DE COEUR.
The profession of psychology often exploits the mysteries of the human heart for money, as the leopard so often saw.
Music, like friendship, is a much more economic form of therapy.
Long before come and get your love became the engelblau song, long before the Bensonhurst graduates tried to go get our love wiht the flaming speed of an internal combustion engine inside a bugatti, there was another song about going up the mountain for love.
It was called Funiculi Funicula, and is a good theme for Pier Giorgio Frassati, whose search for the fire of love drew him always VERSO L'ALTO, toward the heights, and stoked his spirit into an eternal flame.