--the one week class on faerie is over but the materials will be archived at the skandalon link. Of course if you liked it you can do a whole four month course on it which we will upload some materials on soon enough hopefully. They are here somewhere around here.

We can't deliver this message in person to everyone, because there are too many people; nonetheless, we continue to recommend small group debates and discussions amongst your friends; know that we love you and lift up our voices and hearts to God on your behalf as much as our distracted and wayward hearts will allow and hopefully you all do the same because we need it and will never make it otherwise.

September 3rd 2024, the Feast of GG (not Gemma Galgani, Gregory the Great) the fall trimester starts as usual. You are most welcome, please recall, love thy neighbor. E' vietata la violenza. Veramente.

We continue our mission of investigating the everything in the universe, including the claims of Jesus of Nazareth (a Jew, but not sephardic, that was a nod to the superior bakery products of Roman Sephardim KIDDING) as is our right as free people, there is no bias. We seek truth, not to "disprove" some other truth but because truth is worth it.

We hope to again make a website that has its own domain apart from "social media"; nonetheless, we will always (hopefully) offer a presence on social media here at Neocities,(this time, keeping in mind that far more people will probably look at it than was originally anticipated) in honor of the late Aaron Hillel Swartz (sample course design suggestions herewho was probably a big influence in US v Van Buren and going forward for us to be in control of our data instead of "big data" being in control of it. As free people we need to "keep the republic", keep our freedoms.

We can't organize this all immediately even if there hadnt been kerfuffle, and again we repeat there was no way to anticipate the number of people who kept looking at the volcanos and reading the stories of exploding espresso machines and lamborghinis driven by angels, but if you want to get into the debate on freedom just watch the Dershow --it's very easy to understand--or if you are more inclined to ancient theories check out Vermulian and Casey and all that discussion on The New Digest or First things or Crisis or we'll link to these someday but its not going to be TUTTO SUBITO. Sure it's intellectual, there's nothing wrong with that per se. Saint Paul was an intellectual and he was a saint. It just so happens some of us ENJOY messing about in libraries at times and fiddling with words.

As some extant sources seem to indicate, the entire feud between progressives, liberals, hardline right wingers nad who knwow who else originated at the place when trump ordered a doppio though he was already running on more cylinders than he needed. Sanders had just sucked down the last goccia of illustrious caffe illy in retalition for trump hogging a burger and fries from a diner in 2020. (this is an example of comic satire which is not meant to be shared with the wider audience) You have more underwear than I do anyways Sanders grumbled, some of these millionaires and billionaires change their tee shirts every other day for crying out loud. Well la tee ta, Trump sneered, what about your second home in cow country and a scuffle broke out which resulted in political rifts that have not been healed. Meanwhile Obama and Clinton were doctoring the meaning of "is" (as only intellectuals can do, believe THAT) to indicate the subjuntive and pluperfect impossible, just in case reality intruded on their matrix of megalomania. They then issued from the dictionary factory and said they were going to "settle the disagreements" and "bring the nations together" which lasted for a while until somebody figured out they were all blowing sunshine up a volcano vent on the island of nod. the plumbing of nod became compromised and pipes were clogged with a gross sludge for years, exacerbated by the gabuzzos who eat a lot of figs, fava beans and apricots not to mention the hommeeade cheese. (this last bit for example is mocking the bs of politicians of course and that's Frankfurtian but its also drawn somewhat from the problems experienced by places like Santorini when they get overcrowded with wealthy tourists.