The Landslide of Life

A is for APICE, the summit of love which pours like a fountain from regions above.
(this picture is from LA PALMA eruption in Islas Canarias; the poem belongs to VALANGA VERSES.

THE ITALIAN TITLE: This title is taken from the university nickname of Beato Pier Giorgio Frassati, a Milanese engineer who died untimely about 100 years ago.
You can read about him here
As for the "catholic intellectuals" in the audience, this is a very well written way to explain Pasolini's faith here
Pasolini on abortion
For those who think the timing of Giussani's letter and the "accident" is a big strange,Here is an article comparing him with Moro
Father Giussani is a bona fide catholic...Earlier this year, the cause for Father Giussani's beaatification was initiated.
The Assago speech on politics is here.
Valanga platform is no death penalty and one billion per person.

and in honor of election day we propose Paradise permanent residence for all living things. Party affiliation is immaterial, just do the Paradise prep program.
and now that these articles have calmly clarified certain controversies, here's a quizzie for election day
Valanga runs on the following platform: one, abolish death penalty, and two, everyone gets a billion.
The company acquired the name by accident, but if you take two A's-APICE dAMORE, and put them together you get an M, or a volcanic mountain from which the V (valanga) of the love of Yeshua's heart bursts forth like a fountain. the Milk dud carmel part is more fully explained elsewhere.